Gov. Tony Evers proposed more than 189 million to renovate the former Columbia Hospital at UWM into a health sciences ...
MADISON, Wis. (WEAU) - Flags will fly at half-staff Saturday. According to a press release from the Office of Governor Tony Evers, Evers is ordering flags to be flown at half-staff on March 15, 2025, ...
Gov. Tony Evers has ordered U.S. and Wisconsin flags to be flown at half-staff on Saturday, March 15 in honor of Lori Boelkes, a firefighter and emergency medical responder who ...
Governor Tony Evers has announced that flags across the state must be flown half-staff on Saturday in honor of an area first responder.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is planning a $189.3 million redevelopment project that would unify its health sciences programs at one central ...
Gov. Tony Evers said he supports Attorney General Josh Kaul's legal efforts to stop the Trump Administration from dismantling ...
Gov. Tony Evers today released a statement regarding a new lawsuit against President Donald Trump and the Trump Administration to stop their efforts to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education. Gov.
People in Wisconsin can now register as organ donors while filing their taxes. This new option was created by Governor Tony Evers - the Wisconsin Department of ...
Gov. Tony Evers announced on Thursday he is looking for applicants to fill a soon-to-be vacant seat on the Dane County Circuit Court.
Voices across the political spectrum are voicing concerns about President Donald Trump's news tariffs, expressing fears of higher prices, difficult markets and chaotic supply chains. Dem Gov.
The plaintiffs cited the Trump administration's decision to shutter seven regional offices of the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.