The IAEA has updated the online self-assessment tool that helps countries review and enhance their national legal and regulatory infrastructure for nuclear and radiation safety.
Fire trucks and an emergency response helicopter stand ready during a national nuclear emergency exercise in Romania in October 2023. (Photo: C. Torres Vidal/IAEA) The IAEA invites Member States to ...
Through a coordinated research project, the IAEA has optimized the use and application of the carbon-13 sucrose breath test for assessing nutrient absorption in children. This in turn increases ...
Para buscar publicaciones científicas y técnicas del OIEA se pueden usar varios parámetros: el año de publicación, el tema y el tipo de publicación. Seleccione abajo el criterio de búsqueda facetada ...
Il est possible de rechercher les publications scientifiques et techniques de l’AIEA selon plusieurs paramètres : année de publication, sujet et type. Utilisez les facettes pour saisir vos critères de ...