Mountain Regional School District has notified 623 vendors that some of their identifying information was in a spreadsheet accessed by unauthorized parties through a phishing scheme in November 2024.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are now at risk of identity theft and privacy violations after a serious security breach at a personal healthcare firm.
McCamish, bought by Infosys BPM in 2009, is a platform-based BPO firm that provides life insurance and retirement software ...
Amazon won't say if it will stop hosting data from three phone surveillance operations that spilled private data on millions ...
The authors write "Businesses track vendors on price, performance, and delivery. Security should be no different. Most ...
Switzerland requires disclosure of critical infrastructure attacks, ESP32 chips don’t contain a backdoor, MassJacker ...
Join cybersecurity expert Joseph Carson for a live demo revealing how ransomware attacks unfold—and how to stop them.
After some initial pushback, the largest park in Milan City should see more than $1 million dollars in upgrades this fall, ...
New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit Monday against National General and Allstate Insurance Co. for ...
As cybercriminals leverage AI and sophisticated tactics to breach defenses faster than ever, sometimes in just 51 seconds, ...
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved 3AC's liquidators' expanded claim in FTX bankruptcy, increasing it to $1.53 billion.
Overview On The Data Breach Notification Under The Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Legal News and Analysis - Malaysia - ...