A 75-year-old man with a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s has yet to show signs of the disease. Could this offer ...
A Massachusetts man became the first person to try intranasal foralumab under an expanded access program for people with ...
A man who should have developed early-onset Alzheimer's disease due to a genetic mutation is still symptom-free in his 70s.
Most shocking to CARD workers was the termination of lead researcher Kendall Van Keuren-Jensen, who was announced internally ...
Despite the potential benefits of early detection and increasing treatment options for Alzheimer's disease and related ...
A hidden phase of Alzheimer’s appears decades before symptoms, offering a chance for early detection and treatment.
In recent years, a growing number of scientific studies have backed an alarming hypothesis: Alzheimer's disease isn't just a ...
According to the Mayo Clinic, Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that destroys brain cells, called neurons. It was first ...
Alzheimer’s disease — which affects an estimated 7 million Americans — is notoriously difficult to detect, especially in its ...
Alzheimer's patients with a baseline CDR-SB score of 3.5 could expect approximately 4 additional months (95% CI 2-7 months) ...
There have been several studies that have linked bacteria in the mouth to dementia. Research has generally suggested that ...
Jaime Bortz, 39, is losing her memory to dementia. Her mom, now a full-time carer, is foreshadowing the burden many families will experience as dementia cases rise.