Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good.
Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good. They know it made its way into Pennsylvania during the 2000s and was ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission recently met to address the state’s newest chronic wasting disease outbreaks and how they ...
Pennsylvania Game Commission officials discussed Chronic Wasting Disease's spread, testing, and prevention measures at a ...
When the presence of Chronic Wasting Disease was first discovered in Pennsylvania deerhalf a state away, locally the reaction was one of superficial concern. Wishful thinking was that the always ...
So why are hunters, right now, allowed to harvest deer on an Ag Tag farm in Sugarloaf Township – where CWD has been found – ...
While deer and other animals such as elk and moose that contract CWD always die and there is no vaccine or treatment, the ...
Robert Morris, R-Fort Wayne, would create a pilot program to combat Chronic Wasting ... highly contagious disease throughout the population,” Borrit said. States like Pennsylvania, where ...