Pokémon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown Emblem event offers a host of rewards for players willing to face off against other ...
Each time a new expansion is released, a new PVP emblem event is scheduled to celebrate. For the Space-Time Smackdown ...
The Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event in Pokemon TCG Pocket adds new challenges to complete and rewards to earn.
The Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event will get Pokemon TCG Pocket plenty of incredible rewards, including Pack Hourglasses and Shinedust.
The Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event is live from February 4 and will run until February 25, 2025.
Fuelled by the combined forces of Darkrai and Druddigon, this chip damage Pokémon TCG Pocket deck is a real nightmare for an ...
The current Pokemon TCG Pocket meta has players frustrated over a Darkness deck featuring the Mythical Darkrai ex.
Languages: English. Pokémon TCG Pocket just got its second expansion set, with over 200 cards added to the game in Space-Time Smackdown. The new cards mean that the meta is evolving fast ...
One of the most important meta strategies of Pokemon TCG Pocket has been ruined thanks to this newly added card.
A new card in Pokemon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown is causing big trouble for opponents, with some saying it ruins the ...