A community had the chance to have their say on proposals for a £600m theme park as the second round of consultations began.
The hotel and design talent management company Oxford Fashion Studio announced Ms Douglas as the winner of the Fashion Forward, the inaugural edition of the establishments’ joint fashion design ...
The news that Oxfordshire County Council's elections will go ahead in May 2025 has been widely welcomed as a win for democracy.
A €10,000 donation has been made to an Oxford hospice by the BMW Group. The Karl-Monz-Foundation has donated the money, which equates to more than £8,300, to Sobell House Hospice Charity. Karl-Monz ...
Ten charges of indecent assault against a young child have brought against an Oxfordshire man. Pensioner Robert Headhouse-Benson has been charged with ten counts of indecent account on a girl under ...
The BBC has confirmed that Call the Midwife will be facing a schedule change as the last two episodes of the series have been pushed back.
The 'freaked-out' landlady of a 'haunted' pub claims footage of a glass smashing on its own could be a frustrated 'ghostly punter'.
Businesses in West Oxfordshire and Cherwell are being encouraged to use two support schemes before they come to a close.
A new companionship café has been launched in Faringdon to tackle loneliness and isolation in older adults. The café is a dementia-friendly group which will offer activities including sing-alongs and ...
Campaigners fighting to save a popular recreation ground have seen their petition get almost 500 signatures, just days after its launch.
Plans for a global supermarket to come to Didcot have received 20 objections. Lidl has applied to open a new supermarket in Abingdon Road in the town which could create dozens of new jobs in the area.
Lee Butcher, 26, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with one count of knowingly trespassing with intent to commit a sexual offence and one count of sexual assault. It is alleged that on August ...