Economic principles shape decisions in areas like consumption, trade, finance, development, and social issues. Sociology explores how social structures and relationships form and affect society. At ...
The love between NTU alumni couple Boon Hui Lu and Cheong Waii Hoong blossomed on campus after taking a music elective ...
Dr Gog: Three key factors for long-term career success are adaptive learning, career planning, and well-being. Given our longer lifespans, it's crucial to continuously evolve both our careers and our ...
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) spin-off company Gray Matter Solutions is partnering with Osler Group, a premium health and wellness organisation in Singapore, to offer a ...
How can we help you? Curated for SoH Undergraduates, Classroom to Careers is an initiative to support your future beyond your BA education. Industry professionals will share about what humanities ...
SINGAPORE – When children in MOE Kindergarten @ Springdale encounter a problem, they reflect on it to determine if it is a small, medium or big one. They have learnt that small problems can often be ...
How can we help you? Regarding Donald Trump's fresh tariffs on Chinese goods, analysts said there might still be room for the two geopolitical rivals to manoeuvre. Dylan Loh, assistant professor of ...
How can we help you? This event brought together faculty members and research students, fostering meaningful discussions, idea exchanges, and potential collaborations. It was wonderful to see students ...
How can we help you? Fearing that US President Donald Trump might bypass Japan and negotiate security matters directly with China, analysts say Tokyo is scrambling to keep Washington firmly anchored ...
Thirty-three African least-developed countries (LDCs) can now export goods duty-free to China under an expanded zero-tariff policy. This initiative grants zero tariffs on 100% of products for all LDCs ...
How can we help you? The NTU Career & Attachment Office has designed a series of online workshops to get you ready for the CoHASS and NTU Career Fairs. Please register for these sessions through the ...
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from NTU Singapore, and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, has projected that if the rate of global CO2 emissions continues to ...