Vincent van Gogh, “Restaurant la Sirene” (1887 ... Zola was as much journalist as novelist, his writings an accumulation of facts all the more devastating for the dispassionate way they ...
Sixteen protesters challenged their sentences for their roles in climate demonstrations at the Court of Appeal in January.
The Court of Appeal also threw out the challenges of Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland, who were sentenced to two years and 20 months respectively after almost “destroying” Vincent van Gogh’s ...
Live from the court, one judge explained: “We then turned to the sentences in each individual case and we considered the specific facts of ... destroyed” Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers ...
The Court of Appeal also threw out the challenges of Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland, who were sentenced to two years and 20 months respectively after almost “destroying” Vincent van Gogh’s ...