Fast forward to today, and I now write about topics like homeowners insurance for a living. I know all too well what a mess ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Five years ago, as COVID-19 hit the state, legislators cancelled a hearing to discuss a state audit that found the state’s ...
President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Monday that will emphasize the role localities play in ...
N.C., and Reps. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., Kat Cammack, R-Fla., Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., and Austin Scott, R-Ga., have announced ...
The new ordinance would prevent businesses from raising the price of basic goods and rental rates by more than 10% in the ...
The National Practice Forum on Nature-Based Solutions was held in Irvine on February 4 and 5, and sponsored by UC Santa ...
In the aftermath of the fires in California and the hurricanes in the Southeast, health insurers relaxed some deadlines for ...
A powerful storm dropping drenching rain on flood-prone Southern California is raising concern among forecasters that it ...